
Our Client, who we work with on a monthly-retained basis, raised issues relating to an employee in our monthly catch-up meeting.  The employee was abrasive, challenging with their Line Manager and rude to Clients.  Our Client requested guidance on raising this with the employee, which we provided during this one-to-one meeting.

Further telephone advice was provided when the employee then went off sick following these discussions, resulting in the Client requesting our support at an absence review meeting.  During this meeting, the employee raised a grievance regarding their treatment by Management.

We supported the employer with the grievance process, which resulted in no case to answer for the Line Manager, then facilitated “Without Prejudice” discussions to enable a mutually agreeable exit from the Company.

We developed a settlement agreement, negotiated points with the employees Legal Counsel and successfully exited the employee from the Company with zero risk of future legal challenge.


Telephone advice re. breakdown of relationship between Client and employee.

Additional guidance to manage grievance process and facilitate WP discussions, development of Settlement Agreement and subsequent negotiations with Legal Counsel re exit.


Architect Practice