The organisation successfully bid for another contract and, in winning this business, TUPE applied to the transfer of staff from the old employer to our Client.
We facilitated the full TUPE-in process; exchanging information with the outgoing employer, consulting with staff and explaining the process to them, and ensuring the transfer of pension and payroll data was successful and in-line with GDPR.
Upon receiving this new group of staff, the employer recognised that management practices and culture was very different between the two separate employee groups. We were asked to develop and facilitate training to define the organisational values, agreed management style and to explore conflict resolution and line management styles.
The Client is now a monthly retained Client, as this project-work forged positive working relationships between us and we continue to support them with their people-based challenges.
Facilitation of the TUPE process, including consultations with staff.
Development and delivery of training programme for managers.